Transparent Sky Pool in Helsinki
The cantilever glass pool is constructed with 1.7 tons of marine-grade stainless steel and over a ton of acrylic. Featuring a floor window (3.5 x 1 m) and a front window (3.5 x 1.2 m), the entire structure is designed and built by Hydrosight. In close collaboration with Berndorf Bäderbau, we demonstrated our ability to meet the specific needs of our customers. Guests at the Helsinki Clarion Hotel can enjoy stunning views while swimming on the 17th floor.
Below, you’ll find a selection of reviews from hotel guests. Most are highly satisfied, with many citing the sky pool as the best they’ve ever experienced.

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on

Reviews of hotel guests about the pool on