Baldeneysee Dam with Fishlift and Observation Windows
At the dam wall in Lake Baldeney (Essen, Germany) the fish have to overcome a height difference of 9m. This is difficult to manage with a fish ladder. Instead, a fish lift is used. It transports fish in a similar way to a building lift, except -certainly- that the cabin is filled with water.
In the river Ruhr there is a population of bullhead, eel and burbot. In search of spawning grounds they migrate up the river. Not all fish are accepting such artificial routes. There are examples of million-dollar fish ladders, which are virtually fish-free. This is why the company Hydrosight installs special underwater windows in the channel. It enables biologists to directly follow the migration of the fish. The cameras behind the windows record constantly.
In the course of a day, tons of water flow pass the Hydrosight windows. Just as in any natural stream, the current brings all kinds of debris with it. For example many dead branches from trees near the shore line. The extremely scratch-resistant glass withstands these hazards.
There will be a live video on large monitors in the visitor center above the fish pass. So the fish pass and the observation windows will not only be a success for the biologists, but also an experience for every visitor.

Newspaper article (in German)